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3, 本店所售商品保证质量,全新无包装和二手商品签收三日质量出现问题均包退换,请放心购买。因买家自己弄错产品型号、参数或剪脚、上机、错误接入电源、错误安装、保管不当、人为损坏等除外。


5,价格说明 并非原价,以询价为准。

PLC is a kind of programmable memory, which is used for internal storage program, which performs user-oriented instructions such as logic operation, sequence control, timing, counting and arithmetic operation, and controls various types of mechanical or production process through digital or analog input / output.

PLC is essentially a kind of computer specially used for industrial control. Its hardware structure is basically the same as that of microcomputer, and it is basically composed of:

1. power supply

The power supply of PLC plays an important role in the whole system. If there is no good and reliable power supply system, it is not able to work normally, so the manufacturers of PLC attach great importance to the design and manufacture of power supply. Our company produces PLC, power supply is separate, the most common PLC damage is the power supply damage, our power is external, so it is convenient to directly replace the power supply.

2. central processing unit (CPU)

The central processing unit (CPU) is the control center of PLC. It receives and stores user programs and data input from the programmer according to the functions assigned by PLC system program; Check the status of power supply, memory, i/o and alert timer, and diagnose syntax errors in user programs. When PLC is put into operation, it first receives the status and data of input devices in the field in a scanning way, and stores them in the i/o image area respectively. Then, the user program is read from the user program memory one by one. After the command is explained, the results of logic or arithmetic operation are sent to the i/o image area or data register according to the instruction. After all user programs are executed, the output state or data in the output register of i/o image area is transmitted to the corresponding output device, so that the operation is cyclic until it stops running.

3. I / O interface circuit

The field input interface circuit is composed of optical coupling circuit and microcomputer input interface circuit, which is used as the input channel of interface between PLC and field control.

Field output interface circuit is output by

Data register, gate circuit and interrupt request circuit are integrated. PLC can output corresponding control signals to the field executive parts through field output interface circuit.

Our PLC integrated machine can input up to 24 switching points and 20 outputs at most. In addition, we can also choose analog input ad, analog output DA and mixed analog quantity. At most, we can select 12 AD and 8 channels Da, and also can select high-speed count input and high-speed pulse output. In addition, our PLC switching capacity can reach 40 to 40, transistor / relay / mixed output can be selected, analog output is up to 20 in 20, and also supports multi-channel high-speed count input and high-speed pulse output.





