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优势品牌:Allen Bradley、BentlyNevada、ABB、Emerson Ovation、Honeywell DCS、Rockwell ICS Triplex、FOXBORO、Schneider PLC、GE Fanuc、Motorola、HIMA、TRICONEX、Prosoft等各种进口工业零部件

PAC可以通过各种工业化的现场总线提供互联,如FOUNDATION Fietdbus,DeviceNet,CAN,Modbus,Ethernet,Profibus,串口等。PAC不仅能作为分布式I/O模块的主控设备,而且也可以作为从属设备添加到已有系统中。 粗纱机适用于普梳和精梳棉型纤维,60mm以下的化学纤维及其它混纺纤维,将并条后的熟条加工成不同号数和捻度的粗纱,供细纱机纺制细纱。   根据纺纱工艺的要求,粗纱机将棉条经罗拉牵伸后,由前罗拉出纱,进行加捻,然后按照卷装形成的要求,将纱卷绕在筒管上,由于前罗拉出纱速度是恒定的,而卷绕速度是随着卷绕直径的增大而降速,传统的粗纱机采用机械式锥轮变速机构,皮带在上、下锥轮上平行移动,达到改变卷绕和升降速度,完成粗纱卷绕成形。   传统粗纱机主传动由一台交流异步电动机驱动,为了解决电机起动时升速太快引起粗纱的断头或者产生粗纱条干不均匀等质量问题,而在交流电机主回路中串联电抗器,实现电动机的软起动,另外在纺制不同品种需要改变全机速度时,由人工替换皮带轮方式实现变速,20世纪90年代中开始用新型的悬锭粗纱机逐步取代托锭粗纱机并在悬锭粗纱机上推广了变频调速,然而,由于锥轮变速传动速度的稳定性较差,操作难度大,易引起粗纱质量不稳定。因而多家厂商又推出了多电动机传动的新型粗纱机,有2台电机、3台电机、4台电机和7台电机传动的粗纱机,其中采用4台电机传动的粗纱机应用较普遍。 2 主要的技术特征
锭翼速度 高速1500 r/min~1800 r/min 锭 数 132、120、108等 控制参数 起动、停止时间控制(起动时间6 s ~16s,停止时间8 s ~3s),粗纱张力控制,即恒张力卷绕。高速悬锭粗纱机取消了传统粗纱机中的锥轮(俗称铁炮),成形机构、差动机构、摆动机构和换向机构等,还取消了捻度、升降、卷绕、张力、成形角度等变换齿轮,而采用4台电机分别传动牵伸罗拉(产生牵伸倍数),锭翼(使粗纱绕卷到纱管上),筒管(使粗纱产生捻度)和龙筋升降(完成卷绕形状)。罗拉、锭翼、筒管和龙筋升降分别为4kW、4kW、5.5kW和0.55kW交流异步电机传动,变频调速。采用4台电动机传动后,除简化了机械结构,取消了上述机构齿轮外,还降低了噪声,提高了车速,减少粗纱断头,增加单机产量(主机速度提高了30%以上)保证粗纱质量稳定,同时改变工艺简便、快捷。 4 控制系统
目前4电机传动的粗纱机控制有二种控制方案。 一种方案,采用PLC或PCC加触摸屏,通过RS-485通讯方式或CAN BUS现场总线控制4台变频器和电动机的运转。   第二种方案,采用单片机自制的专用控制器,通过RS-485通讯控制4台变频器和电动机的运转,此种方案造价低,但可靠性和通用性不如一种方案。本文不详述。   采用PLC可编程控制器或PCC可编程计算机控制器加触摸屏通过CAN BUS现场总线控制4台变频器和相应电动机的运行速度,如EJK211型粗纱机全机控制采用了PCC加触摸屏和CAN BUS总线的控制系统,系统原理框图如图1。 图1 粗纱机控制系统原理框图   该系统中PCC或PLC作为上位机,采用CAN通讯适配卡与CAN总线连接。CAN总线上的各部件(变频器等)必须具有CAN标准通讯接口。变频器(4 台)采用共直流母线供电方式,共直流母线供电可以采用将4台通用变频器的直流电源相互并联方式或采用将一台变频器的直流电源供电给其余3台逆变器的方式。   4台电动机均带编码器实现速度闭环控制,保证高精度调速。   PCC可编程计算机控制器通过CAN BUS现场总线控制4台变频器和电动机按多个数学模型或根据实测粗纱张力进行控制。   4台变频器和电动机按工艺所需的规律运转。Instead, two temporary storage areas are set in the memory: the input temporary storage area and the output temporary storage area. The input value used in the user program is the value of the input state temporary storage area, and the operation result is stored in the output state temporary storage area. The processing of input / output by PCC has the following three characteristics: (1) the data in the input status temporary storage area depends on the on / off status of each actual input point in the service stage. When the user program is executed, the data in the input state buffer no longer changes with the input. (2) in the execution stage of the user program, the contents of the output state buffer will change at any time according to the different execution results of the program, but the contents of the output state latch will not change. (3) in the output service stage, the final result of the user program execution stage is transferred from the output state buffer to the output state latch. The state of the output terminal is determined by the output state latch.

3 system structure design the parameters detected and controlled by the system are mainly divided into: electrical parameters, non electrical parameters, equipment operation and protection status parameters. 3.1 the electric quantity parameters include the three-phase voltage, three-phase current, active power, reactive power, bus line voltage, phase voltage, DC bus voltage, etc. the PCC and the electric quantity meter can directly read the above-mentioned electric quantity data from the electric quantity meter through RS485 communication; At the same time, the speed and frequency of the unit can be read through communication with the governor or through communication with the speed relay. 3.2 non electrical parameters include the temperature of upper guide pad, lower guide pad, water guide pad, thrust pad, stator core temperature, cold and hot air temperature, oil pressure and oil level of pressure tank, oil level of oil sump, oil level of oil leakage tank, water level of upstream and downstream, etc. The collection of temperature is completed by the analog input module of B & R 2005 series PCC and the temperature inspection instrument. The PCC communication module can read the temperature collected by the temperature inspection instrument into the PCC buffer area; The analog quantity of the auxiliary system, such as the oil pressure and oil level of the oil tank and the oil level of the oil sump, can be collected by the PCC analog quantity input module, or can be obtained by communication with the PLC of the oil pressure device; The upstream and downstream water levels are obtained by communication between PCC and water level gauge. 3.3 equipment operation and protection status parameters include unit circuit breaker switch, deexcitation switch, guide vane, intake gate, shear pin, electrical protection switch value status of hydraulic turbine and generator, accident and fault switch signal status, working status of oil, gas and water system and excitation system status, etc. This part of state quantity can be directly introduced into PCC switch value input module to participate in unit control. The system uses two industrial control computers as the upper computer monitoring terminal, which can monitor any two of the three units at the same time. The two industrial PCs must be installed with "B & R2005 PVI manager",   





