1SAJ520000R0101 UMC100控制处理模块卡件

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1SAJ520000R0101 UMC100控制处理模块卡件

型号:1SAJ520000R0101 UMC100

优势品牌:Allen Bradley、BentlyNevada、ABB、Emerson Ovation、Honeywell DCS、Rockwell ICS Triplex、FOXBORO、Schneider PLC、GE Fanuc、Motorola、HIMA、TRICONEX、Prosoft等各种进口工业零部件

1SAJ520000R0101 UMC100控制处理模块卡件 1SAJ520000R0101 UMC100控制处理模块卡件 1SAJ520000R0101 UMC100控制处理模块卡件 1SAJ520000R0101 UMC100控制处理模块卡件
为便于操作,维护,管理,全线I/O都集中进入Versa Max Remote I/O,再经控制器处理,HMI通过全线以太网与相应控制器交换信息,工程师站通过全线以太网可对任一控制器进行,实现数据共享。
三、GE Fanuc 解决方案
3.1 系统构成
从加热炉入口开始一直到运输链结束,整个基础自动化全轧线上分布了21台GE Fanuc的PACSystems RX7i系统和7套GE 系列90-30 PLC。此外在部分PAC系统中插入了自带I/O的基于Power PC的CPU板,完成快速的液压控制高速处理
整个连轧机自动化系统的控制器均为GE Fanuc 产品,分为两大类:PAC-systems和 GE 90-30 PLC:
PACSystems是GE Fanuc公司推出的集先前产品先进性于一身的高性能控制器,是GE系列90-70的升级,速度为系列GE系列90-70的7-10倍,目前有2种类型,IC698CPE010 和IC698CPE020,在线上都有用到,以实现数据的高速处理。
GE 系列90-30主要用于全线要求响应不是很快的场所,液压站和润滑站。
另外,针对液压,还在GE Fanuc RX7i 的机架中引入了VME总线的液压控制器(如右图),液压控制器由德国MEN公司提供的Power PC(如图3所示)和M-Module构成。德国MEN公司6U VME总线Power PC工作站采用Motorola公司的CPU,外挂接M-Module,提供磁尺接口和I/O接口 以嵌入式交换机
5595(如图5所示)组成的,中间采用对应的LC-LC光纤跳线连接。系统提供节点旁路产品用以自动地绕过坏的或关机的RM节点,维持环路的完整性。旁路产品提供节点旁路环保护,就象网络集线器的功能一样。另外还提供单模到多模的转换器,用于扩展网络,使网络的节点间距大可达10 km。
3.4 I/O处理
全线现场信号的集中,都是通过Versa Max I/O进入到系统的,而且全线统一,都是通过DP网传上来。对现场设备的输出控制也是通过DP网来实现的DP网连接了现场到电气室,而且走线少,维护方便。 standby function, this switch has the maximum selection and setting authority. When the system is powered on, the dual machine hot standby software will, according to the selection status of the switch, The corresponding PCC is set as the main control unit, and the other PCC enters the "hot standby" standby machine working state.

Program synchronization button: this button is used to control the synchronous loading between the main and standby controllers when loading the dual machine hot standby software. When this button is pressed, the control software in the controller can be automatically transferred to another set of controller unit by means of synchronous data network coupling, which is a vital function for the maintenance of system software. Input and output signals: like the conventional non dual hot standby control system, this part is composed of various sensors and execution units on the air traffic control radar equipment, and can also be accessed in the form of CAN field bus network. Different from the conventional system, considering the functional architecture of the dual machine hot standby system, all these signals are designed to be redundant to each other and connected in parallel to the two sets of PCC control systems.
2. Realization of dual machine hot standby control software the core function of the system software is to realize the coordination and control of two sets o