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优势品牌:Allen Bradley、BentlyNevada、ABB、Emerson Ovation、Honeywell DCS、Rockwell ICS Triplex、FOXBORO、Schneider PLC、GE Fanuc、Motorola、HIMA、TRICONEX、Prosoft等各种进口工业零部件

3BSE022179R1脉冲输入模块卡件 3BSE022179R1脉冲输入模块卡件 3BSE022179R1脉冲输入模块卡件 3BSE022179R1脉冲输入模块卡件
基本设计阶段是自动控制系统设计中为重要的设计阶段。该设计阶段主要以控制系统初步设计阶段确定的内容为基础, 对系统硬件和软件进行总体方面的设计。功能规格书是基本设计阶段主要的设计文件,它是系统详细设计、软件设计和软件调试工作的指导性文件。功能规格书的主要内容包括设计<在西班牙某电厂,ABB计划让两台冗余的GE Mark V涡轮机与全厂过程控制进行集成。实现涡轮控制器接入工厂的大型DCS系统---ABB的Advant控制系统。过程端口B和Miscro SCADA客户端软件用来显示从涡轮控制器传送的过程数据。ABB公司选择了一体化的OPC来读写两个涡轮总共2096个过程点,每个涡轮1098个点。
ABB的项目经理埃米利奥多明格斯在项目中引入了OPC。应用Matrikon的产品,并且再次就系统解决方案咨询Matrikon公司。此时Matrikon公司正在发展一款OPC Server for GE Mark V,由此Matrikon 和ABB公司在Endesa电厂应用了测试版的第二版来实现和改善服务器。
埃米利奥多明格斯说:“我们选择Matrikon OPC是因为和Matrikon公司有过非常愉快的合作经历,并且知道我们两家公司可以就此类综合项目合作开发出好的OPC。”
项目实施过程非常顺利,Matrikon OPC支持,协助制定适合工厂设备的资金投入。项目被证明非常成功———现在涡轮控制器所有的信息和工厂其他的信息以一样的数据格式被整合到大型DCS系统中。
“从项目的开始到结束Matrikon的产品和技术支持” 多明格斯说:“在Matrikon的支持下,我们仅用了两个月的时间就完成了该项目“
ABB是电力和自动化技术领域的领导厂商。ABB的技术可以帮助电力、公共事业和工业客户提高业绩,同时降低对环境的不良影响石化企业是实现“节能减排”的重要一环,先进控制技术能保证该战略目标的提早实现。介绍了几种先进的控制技术,以期为石化企业的生产提供一些帮助。 关键词:石化企业;控制技术;稳定
0 引言 作为流程型的化工行业,生产过程基本是在密封装置中进行的。由于客户的要求越来越苛刻,竞争对手的水平越来越高,如何保持过程生产中的稳定,使质量不合格的产品越少越好成为生产者的当务之急。大型石油化工企业必须综合应用自动控制技术、计算机技术、信息技术、网络技术等,扩大和加快企业综合自动化系统建设,提高信息集成化程度,提高管控一体化程度,从而达到降低原材料和能源消耗,降低成本,提高产品产量和质量,提高企业整体效益,増强竞争能力的目的。

1 石化生产控制系统的发展过程  石油化工过程控制技术的发展主要的可以说是控制论的形成和发展、电子计算机的出现和发展、以及炼油工艺(包括装备)技术本身的发展。 40年代形成的经典(反馈)控制论,与大规模连续生产过程(包括石油化工过程)中广泛采用的PID控制相联系;50年代出现的“工程控制论”与基于PID的串级、前馈、比值、选择性等控制技术相联系;这些技术一直沿用至今。[1] 50年代末,在航天技术革命过程中,形成了现代控制理论,到60年代,人们试图将现代控制方法应用到石油化工过程,但未取得成功。其主要原因是:建立生产过程数学模型较困难,控制的目标和方法不能照搬;缺少既懂生产工艺又懂控制理论的技术人员。 80年代初,石油化工过程工艺及装备(包括检测仪表和执行机构)的改进、数学模型研究与开发的进展、继承了优控制又适应生产过程的模型预估控制(MPC)技术的出现,以DCS为代表的过程控制计算机系统的出现、大系统理论和人工智能的发展,这些技术进步,不仅形成了80年代在石油化工过程中开始付诸实现的先进控制[2](APC),也推动了生产装置优化、调度管理优化,朝着全厂或全公司计算机集成系统(CIMS)发展。 近年来,DCS的价格不断下降,而性价比却不断提高。据统计,34个控制回路、70个检测点的控制系统采用DCS的价格已与电III型仪表几乎相当。回路数越增加,其经济性则越好。Basic design stage of control system
Basic design stage is the most important design stage in automatic control system design. This design stage is mainly based on the contents determined in the preliminary design stage of the control system, and carries out the overall design of the system hardware and software. The functional specification is the main design document at the basic design stage, and it is the guiding document for the detailed design, software design and software debugging of the system. The main contents of the functional specification include design<In a power plant in Spain, ABB plans to integrate two redundant GE Mark V turbines with the whole plant process control. The Advant control system of ABB, a large DCS system in the plant, enables the turbine controller to be connected. The process port B and Miscro SCADA client software are used to display the process data transmitted from the turbine controller. ABB chose the integrated OPC to read and write 2096 process points in total for two turbines, 1098 points for each turbine.
Emilio Dominguez, the project manager of ABB, introduced OPC into the project. Apply Matrikon's products and consult Matrikon again about system solutions. At this time, Matrikon is developing an OPC Server for GE Mark V. Therefore, Matrikon and ABB have applied the second version of the beta version in Endesa Power Plant to realize and improve the server.
Emilio Dominguez said: "We chose Matrikon OPC because we have had a very pleasant cooperation experience with Matrikon and know that our two companies can cooperate to develop the best OPC for such comprehensive projects."
The project implementation process was very smooth, with the support of Matrikon OPC, helping to formulate the capital investment suitable for the plant equipment. The project proved to be very successful - now all the information of the turbine controller and other information of the factory are integrated into the large DCS system in the same data format.
"Matrikon's product and technical support were excellent from the beginning to the end of the project," Dominguez said. "With Matrikon's support, we completed the project in only two months“
ABB plans to apply this system in the Second Power Plant, and plans to integrate other turbine units in the next few years.
ABB is a leading manufacturer in the field of power and automation technology. ABB's technology can help power, public utilities and industrial customers improve their performance, while reducing the adverse impact on the environment. Petrochemical enterprises are an important part of achieving "energy conservation and emission reduction". Advanced control technology can ensure the early realization of this strategic goal. Several advanced control technologies are introduced in order to provide some help for the production of petrochemical enterprises. Keywords: petrochemical enterprises; Control technology; stable
Introduction As a process oriented chemical industry, the production process is basically carried out in the sealing device. As customers' requirements become more and more stringent, and competitors' level becomes higher and higher, how to maintain the stability in the process of production and make the number of unqualified products less and better becomes the top priority for producers. Large petrochemical enterprises must comprehensively apply automatic control technology, computer technology, information technology, network technology, etc., expand and speed up the construction of enterprise integrated automation system, improve the degree of information integration, improve the degree of management and control integration, so as to reduce raw materials and energy consumption, reduce costs, improve product output and quality, improve the overall efficiency of enterprises, and enhance competitiveness.
The development of petrochemical production control system The most important aspects of the development of petrochemical process control technology can be said to be the formation and development of cybernetics, the emergence and development of electronic computers, and the development of refining process (including equipment) technology itself. The classical (feedback) control theory formed in the 1940s is related to the PID control widely used in large-scale continuous production processes (including petrochemical processes); The "engineering cybernetics" that appeared in the 1950s is related to PID based cascade, feedforward, ratio, selectivity and other control technologies; These technologies are still used today. [1] In the late 1950s, modern control theory was formed in the process of space technology revolution. In the 1960s, people tried to apply modern control methods to petrochemical processes, but failed. The main reasons are: it is difficult to establish the mathematical model of the production process, and the control objectives and methods cannot be copied; Lack of technicians who understand both production process and control theory. In the early 1980s, the improvement of petrochemical process technology and equipment (including detection instruments and actuators), the progress of mathematical model research and development, the emergence of model predictive control (MPC) technology that inherits optimal control and adapts to production processes, the emergence of process control computer systems represented by DCS, the development of large system theory and artificial intelligence, and these technological advances, It has not only formed the advanced control [2] (APC) that began to be implemented in the petrochemical process in the 1980s, but also promoted the optimization of production devices and scheduling management, and developed towards the plant wide or company wide computer integrated system (CIMS). In recent years, the price of DCS has been declining, while the cost performance ratio has been improving. According to statistics, the price of DCS used in the control system of 34 control loops and 70 detection points is almost the same as that of electric type III instrument. The greater the number of loops, the better the economy.