Reliance 61C350逻辑模拟量顺序模块

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Reliance 61C350逻辑模拟量顺序模块

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优势品牌:Allen Bradley、BentlyNevada、ABB、Emerson Ovation、Honeywell DCS、Rockwell ICS Triplex、FOXBORO、Schneider PLC、GE Fanuc、Motorola、HIMA、TRICONEX、Prosoft等各种进口工业零部件

Reliance 61C350逻辑模拟量顺序模块 Reliance 61C350逻辑模拟量顺序模块 Reliance 61C350逻辑模拟量顺序模块
Reliance 61C350逻辑模拟量顺序模块
整个被控对象包括22个工位,每个工位上包含必需的转移电机或举升电机,此外还有32个生产线传输电机。每个工位均由一个ET200S和一个ET200eco从站组成,用于该工位的I/O点数据采集和发送以及分散控制。    2 系统结构及功能     系统包括操作员站、工程师站、自动化系统、网络和现场I/O站等几个部分。    系统各部分功能:     操作员站:提供全汉化
,实现控制系统的监控操作功能(操作、显示、报表、报警、趋势),并且可以在人机界面上直接查看对应的step7源程序。     工程师站:用于系统的组态和维护。     自动化系统:使用SIMATIC控制器完成回路调节和逻辑运算。     现场I/O站:使用现场总线技术,在设备现场直接采集现场仪表的信号,控制现场的执行机构。     现场总线ProfiBus:用于连接控制单元与操作员站以及管理网络。     本系统采用
300CPU和CP342-5、CP343-1的接口模块相连构成系统的主站。CP342-5是用于连接S7-300和profibus-DP的主/从站接口模块,CP 343-1是用于连接S7-300和
的接口模块。在该控制系统中,除了上述主站外,从站是由22个ET200S和22个ET200eco组成,分别分布在两条profibus网络上。CPU上自带的profibus-DP接口构成profibusⅠ线,CP 342-5接口模块构成profibusⅡ线。     系统中ET200S从站上采用的IM151-1接口模块有两种: 基本型和标准型,基本型的接口模块所能挂接的电源管理模块和I/O模块个数范围为2~12个,标准型的接口模块其范围为2~63个。所以当从站I/O模块较多时,宜选用标准型的接口模块。接口模块上带有profibus地址设定拨码开关。     系统中ET200eco从站中选用了8DI和16DI两种模板,模板结构紧凑,模板的供电采用7/8’电源线,模板的通讯采用M12通讯接头。接线灵活而快速,方便拔插。其接口模块上带有2个旋转式编码开关用于profibus地址分配。     网络设备按照适应工业现场环境的程度,以及生产线的布局来考虑选用不同防护等级。控制箱中的模块采用防护等级为20的ET200S I/O模块,对应每个控制箱的还有一个防护等级为67的ET200eco模块,置于生产线滚轮下方,由于该模块需要接触到现场较为恶劣的生产环境,因此需要有防水防油防尘等功能。    3 目标控制系统    3.1 系统设计     汽车发动机装配线是一个对发动机顺序装配的流水线工艺过程。由于工艺的繁琐性,工程的计算机控制系统考虑采用分散控制和集中管理的分布式控制模式,采用以PLC为核心构成的计算机控制系统,各独立工位控制系统之间通过网络实现数据信息、资源共享。该装配线在整个生产过程中较为关键,由于每个工位之间是流水线生产,因此每个环节的控制都必须具备高可靠性和一定的灵敏度,才能保证生产的连续性和稳定性。从站中的每个ET200S站和其对应的ET200eco站共同构成一个工位, ET200eco主要是采集现场数据之用。ET200S站的模块置于小型控制箱内, 对于工位的基本操作有两种方式,就地控制箱手动方式和就地自动方式。由于每个控制工位的操作进度不一致,操作工可以按照装配要求进行手自动切换。特殊情况下亦可通过手动操作进行工件位置的修正。     安装在各工位的分布式I/O模块ET200S和ET200eco通过现场检测元件和传感器将系统主要的监控参数(主要是开关量)采集进来,ET200S和ET200eco将现场模拟量信号转换为高精度的数据量,通过高速度可达12M的Profibus-DP现场总线网络将采集数据上传到中央控制器,控制器根据具体工艺要求进行处理,再通过Profibus-DP网络将控制输出下传给ET200S,实现各工位的控制流程。The whole controlled object includes 22 stations, each station contains the necessary transfer motor or lifting motor, and 32 production line transmission motors. Each station is composed of an ET200S and an ET200eco slave station, which are used for I/O point data acquisition, transmission and decentralized control of the station. 2 System structure and function system include operator station, engineer station, automation system, network and field I/O station. Functions of all parts of the system: operator station: full Chinese interface
, realize the monitoring and operation functions of the control system (operation, display, report, alarm, trend), and can directly view the corresponding step 7 source program on the human-computer interface. Engineer station: used for system configuration and maintenance. Automation system: use SIMATIC controller to complete loop adjustment and logic operation. Field I/O station: use the field bus technology to directly collect the signals of field instruments on the equipment site and control the actuator on the site. ProfiBus: used to connect control unit, operator station and management network. This system adopts
The 300 CPU is connected with the interface modules of CP342-5 and CP343-1 to form the main station of the system. CP342-5 is the master/slave interface module used to connect S7-300 and profibus DP, and CP 343-1 is used to connect S7-300 and

Industrial Ethernet

Interface module of. In this control system, in addition to the above master station, the slave station is composed of 22 ET200S and 22 ET200eco, which are distributed on two profibus networks respectively. The profibus DP interface on the CPU constitutes profibus I line, and the CP 342-5 interface module constitutes profibus II line. There are two types of IM151-1 interface modules used in the ET200S slave station in the system: basic and standard. The number of power management modules and I/O modules that can be attached to the basic interface module ranges from 2 to 12, and the number of standard interface modules ranges from 2 to 63. Therefore, when there are many slave I/O modules, standard interface modules should be selected. The interface module is equipped with a profibus address setting dial switch. In the system, ET200eco slave station selects 8DI and 16DI templates, which are compact in structure. 7/8 'power lines are used for template power supply, and M12 communication connectors are used for template communication. The wiring is flexible and fast, convenient for plugging. Its interface module is equipped with two rotary coding switches for profibus address distribution. Different protection levels shall be considered for network equipment according to the degree of adaptation to the industrial site environment and the layout of the production line. The ET200S I/O module with protection class of 20 is used as the module in the control box, and there is also an ET200eco module with protection class of 67 corresponding to each control box, which is placed under the roller of the production line. Since the module needs to contact with the harsh production environment on site, it needs to have functions such as water, oil, dust, etc. 3. Target Control System 3.1 System Design The automobile engine assembly line is a flow line process for sequential assembly of engines. Due to the complexity of the process, the distributed control mode of decentralized control and centralized management is considered for the computer control system of the project. The computer control system with PLC as the core is adopted. The data information and resources are shared among the independent station control systems through the network. The assembly line is critical in the whole production process. As each station is produced by assembly line, the control of each link must have high reliability and certain sensitivity to ensure the continuity and stability of production. Each ET200S station in the slave station and its corresponding ET200eco station together constitute a station. ET200eco is mainly used to collect field data. The modules of ET200S station are placed in a small control box, and there are two basic operation modes for the station: manual mode of local control box and local automatic mode. Since the operation progress of each control station is inconsistent, the operator can switch manually and automatically according to the assembly requirements. Under special circumstances, the workpiece position can also be corrected by manual operation. The distributed I/O modules ET200S and ET200eco installed in each station collect the main monitoring parameters (mainly switching values) of the system through field detection elements and sensors. ET200S and ET200eco convert the field analog signals into high-precision data, upload the collected data to the central controller through the Profibus DP field bus network with a maximum speed of 12M, and the controller will process according to the specific process requirements, Then the control output is transmitted to ET200S via Profibus DP network to realize the control process of each station.