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5,价格说明 并非原价,以询价为准。

In the injection molding machine, the most widely used control law is proportional, integral, differential control, referred to as PID control. When the actual parameters of the pressure, speed and temperature of the injection molding machine can not be completely and reliably mastered, or the accurate mathematical model can not be obtained, and other technologies of the control theory are difficult to adopt, the parameters must be determined by experience and on-site debugging. At this time, the application of PID control technology is the most convenient. That is, when we do not fully understand the actual injection pressure, speed, temperature, or can not obtain the above parameters through effective measurement means, the most suitable PID control technology. PID control, there are also PI and PD control in practice. PID control is based on the error of the system, using proportional, integral and differential to calculate the control quantity.
Proportional control is the simplest control method. The output of the controller is proportional to the input error signal. When there is only proportional control, the system output has steady-state error.
In the integral control, the output of the control system is proportional to the integral of the input error signal. For a control system of injection molding machine, if there is steady-state error after entering steady state, it is said that the control system has steady-state error or system with steady-state error for short. In order to eliminate the steady-state error, "integral term" must be introduced into the pressure, speed and temperature control of injection molding machine. The error of the integral term depends on the integral of time. With the increase of time, the integral term will increase. In this way, even if the error is very small, the integral term will increase with the increase of time, which will promote the output of the injection molding machine computer to increase, and further reduce the steady-state error until it is equal to zero. Therefore, the proportional integral (PI) control can make the injection molding machine system into steady state without steady-state error.